Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We Are The 99%

 Most of us have no concept of true wealth. Imagine never having to worry about when your next meal might be, how you'll pay the rent,utilities,and other necessities. More now than ever, people are working harder and longer hours with less buying power. The rich are growing richer and the poor are becoming ever more impoverished. The division between the "haves" and the "have-nots" is the widest it's ever been in U.S. history. Simply put - capitalism has failed us and only the upper 10% are truly benefiting and likewise only the upper 1% are truly wealthy. 

Every day that goes by we get closer to becoming a modern day rendition of the serfs and the vassals. It's essentially economic slavery and it's been in the works for quite some time. It's now seen as a crime to be poor. The better paying jobs are long gone and what few jobs remain are mostly in the service industry which pays unsustainable wages - even at full time employment. It's not unusual for many young people (and a growing number of middle aged and the elderly) to have to rely upon family,friends,and what little government assistance that's still in existence.

 Is it any wonder why the "Occupy Wall Street" protests are popping up everywhere? It's no longer just the wino or the slacker that finds his/herself with a back pack hitching rides from town to town just to find work. It's moved it's way up the pyramid so to speak. Even jobs that pay significantly above the federal minimum wage are no longer enough to support a family. People have little option but to hoard ever more of their income just to make ends meet.

 "The One Percent" is a great documentary that goes further into detail about the growing rift between those with plenty of money and those lacking it. It's well worth the watch. Contrary to what Fox news would have you believe - the free market economy ain't free and one's ability to work themselves into a higher income bracket is an outright lie and a very cruel one at that. It might've worked in times past but without the right connections you're basically screwed with no hope of ever having the secure life your parents and grandparents enjoyed. Even the poorest of the poor could afford housing,food,entertainment,savings,and a family. That was then. This is now.

Most people aren't ready to face the facts and acknowledge what's truly needed to remedy the current socioeconomic crisis we're undergoing (which will probably worsen over time). It flies in the face of both the right wing conservative types and the left wing libtards. The best we can do is stop buying into the false left-right paradigm and do our own research.It's the best any of us can do for the time being.